Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Cost of Convenience
Our main goal as librarians is to get the patrons the information they need as conveniently as possible. A drawback to libraries providing ereaders for their patrons is just that: providing.
Ereaders are expensive. That cannot be denied. A library would have to purchase a large quantity of ereaders in order to meet the demands of the public. They would undoubtedly be an item in high demand. Many patrons would prefer these to standard hard copies of books. But ereaders would be checked out on such a constant basis that there may not be enough to go around. Angry patrons may, unfortunately, have to resort to the more primitive methods of checking out hard copies or using interlibrary loans if the ereaders they desire are all checked out.
Another problem when it comes to providing these sorts of items is theft. Unfortunately, some people would much rather snag an ereader from the local library than buy one themselves, or pay to use one repeatedly. In our damaged economy, many people want the luxury of such items without the chore of coughing up the money for it.
In addition to theft, what about maintenance? Suppose a careless patron drops his ereader by accident? What if one is misplaced by a patron or the staff? And constant use tends to wear down the technology and make it run slower. Repairs of this kind must be factored into a budget. We cannot deny that maintenance, especially when it comes to technology and computer items, does not run cheap. We have to stop and wonder if a library would really benefit from providing ereaders to the patrons. Would the cost of maintaining the ereaders, replacing the damaged or lost or stolen, repairing glitches and breaks, outweigh the benefits of providing them to the patrons?
This is a difficult decision to make. On one hand, we as librarians have a duty to provide information to our patrons in as convenient a way as possible. But, on the other hand, as convenient as this method may be for the patron, would it really be convenient for the library itself? It is a tough call that only we as librarians can make as we see fit.
eReaders in Libraries May Actually be a Problem?
“Libraries are about BOOKS!” they’d shout. “Technology has no place in our hallowed stacks!”
In truth, weeks of exploration have shown me next to no resistance to the addition of eBooks and eReaders in libraries. Many librarians, in fact, seem to embrace this turn of events. As has been shown in recent posts, libraries are coming up with increasingly creative ways to include these new tools to access text into their stacks.
The drawback to this that I’ve run across is that the purposes of ebooks and libraries tend to be very different; combining them may not be a bad thing, but would it really work?
A library, when it comes to physical texts and/or items, tends to be there for the purposes of loaning these things out to patrons with the expectancy that these items will be returned in the future. Ereaders, on the other hand, tend to be for the purpose of its owner purchasing texts. As the entire process is via the internet and there is no face-to-face exchange when it comes to purchasing texts with ereaders, the concept of lending tends to be an impossible one. Why pay money to virtually borrow a text when you can just keep the text instead?
Which leads to the issue of loaning when it comes to libraries. In this case, libraries serve as a middleman between the ebook company and the patron. In a library, a patron would be charged multiple times for the use of an item that they would only have to pay for once if they owned it. The process is seems to be just complicating a simple process with unnecessary steps. There are other ways to access texts; checking out the physical text itself, or interlibrary loans if your library doesn’t own it. Yes, ereaders allow faster access to texts, but the process of doing this via library tends to be a complicated one. It certainly doesn’t help that the purposes of libraries and ebooks are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Library Journal
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Facing Reality
As an example, Michael (whom I mentioned in my previous post) told me about how his elementary school's librarian is only there for half of the day. The other half of the day is spent at another school, and parents who volunteer fill in as best they can while the librarian is out. Sure, it would be great if the school district could afford to staff the two libraries separately, and perhaps interested parties should do all that they can to help that become a reality, but we can't confuse the reality we wish for with the reality we have. By doing so, we would be saying to librarians like the one at Michael's school that we are abandoning them to their fate. The reality of the situation is such that e-readers could be an incredible benefit to employed librarians who are finding themselves shouldering much more responsibilities than they ever anticipated. Think about how much easier it would be to manage two libraries if the collections consisted mostly of e-books. It could be done from a single computer and, presumably, would be equivalent to managing a single collection. Students would not need to physically check books out and it would not be necessary to ask for parent volunteers to staff the library, which is better for everyone as parents have less and less time these days outside of work.
As with many aspects of the relationship between librarians and technology, we must keep in mind that change happens; it is not something we can avoid or that we can prevent. It is our job to look at the changes which are taking place and take advantage of them in order to benefit our patrons and our profession. Yes, it is a shame that librarians are having a difficult time finding employment. We are not the only ones, however, and we cannot use technology as a scapegoat. What we can do is recognize the prevalence of e-readers and use them to provide the best service we can for our patrons and, as I think many of our blog posts show, there are plenty of ways for librarians to use e-readers effectively.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Some Positive Aspects of E-readers…
One of her first arguments is how with e-readers libraries can now let patrons access content anywhere and anytime. Patrons can now check out books any time of the day and are no longer confined to library hours at a physical location. Patrons can access and check out books any time of the day or night. Polanka believes this is good for libraries because instead of materials taking up physical space in the library they can purchase materials that are electronic and available 24/7. She insists that space in the library can go towards more important things. She also mentions with the advancement of e-readers, libraries can focus more on another important factor which is service.
Another plus to e-readers in the library that benefits patrons and libraries is that e-readers often do not go under the physical damage most books encounter. With e-readers, e-books can’t be lost, stolen, they also can’t have pages ripped out and ruined, or be shelved physically in the wrong place in a library. Another plus to having e-books is if libraries have unlimited access, with unlimited access multiple library patrons can check out the same book at the same time, people would no longer have to wait and have a book put on hold for them. People could access e-books from any part of the world as well, they no longer would need to pick up a book, and instead they could also have the content delivered electronically. Patrons would also no longer have to wait for shipping either, when a book was finally published it could be delivered that same day electronically, and no longer have to wait a package to ship, libraries would also not have to wait either for titles to arrive at the library.
One of the biggest advantages with e-books Polanka argues is that e-books let users full text search. Full text searching lets users search the chapters, image captions, along with charts and graphs, which is one of the factors people like and value e-books.
Finally the last point Polanka talks about is virtual reference services. Polanka says, “Using virtual reference services, librarians can successful/y answer questions and provide content to users by sending persistent URLs for the title, chapter, or page of a book, e-mailing articles from encyclopedias, downloading book chapters to a shared network drive, and copying and pasting text. Many librarians use video sharing software like Jing to demonstrate complicated searches or features in online products and make them understandable to remote users. Such software provides visual opportunities for library instruction in a virtual environment.”
Polanka offers a lot of great points on how e-readers can have a positive impact for both patrons and libraries, but I wish she addressed more aspects of new services libraries can offer that don’t involve e-books. I also felt she could have dig deeper into the subject. She also could have explored how these advantages would have on libraries in the long run. I also wished she looked at the negative aspects as well because for every good quality there might be something bad. In general, these positive aspects of e-readers would benefit any library or patron.
Source: Polanka, S.. (2011, July). Improving Library Services with E-Books. Information Outlook, 15(5), 13-15.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
OverDrive, Publishers, and eBooks. Oh my!

- “Kansas Leading the Fight for Fair Ebook Access in Libraries,” Nancy K. Herther.
- “eBook growth in public libraries powered by OverDrive results in record checkouts and new Users,” OverDrive Press Release [October 12, 2011].
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Are e-readers truly the future?
The consensus from both teachers was that e-readers will, in the very near future, replace books as the preferred medium in schools. As Devin put it: "For schools, I say it is only a matter of time before books are completely replaced." She did, however, preface this with the following statement: "Personally, I like holding a physical book in my hand but that is because I am a nerd."
Amen to that, sister.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
"The E-Book: Pipe Dream or Potential Disaster?": A Prescient Projection of the Future
In recent times, the e-book has come on strong as society lauds convenience as a means for procuring texts for education and entertainment and e-readers have finally hit the mainstream consciousness. The successes of e-books and e-readers have been a long time coming, predicted well over a decade ago by David Dorman in “The E-Book: Pipe Dream or Potential Disaster?”.
Some of the issues raised in the February 1999 article are currently affecting libraries today. The most important issues confronting information stakeholders, Dorman argued, have to do with "the fact that the digital content of an e-book breaks through the limitations of the book as a physical item - limitations that form the basis for the economic and institutional relationships among the information stakeholders." (Dorman, 36-37). Though a fantasy thirteen years ago, this has become all too true; just as the ease of procuring of an MP3 file has forever altered the way a listener enjoys music, the ease of procuring an e-book in ePub or PDF formats has forever altered the way a reader enjoys reading. "If electronic readers become popular," Dorman went on, "content sources for free e-books... could become the major suppliers of books in the public domain." (Dorman, 37).
Dorman’s article concluded with the following regarding terms and conditions of use:
“In the long run it will not simply be the inevitable success of electronic-book viewers that will profoundly affect libraries; rather it will be the terms and conditions for use of their digital content. It behooves librarians who care about the role of libraries in society and about the need to preserve freedom of information access to take an active role in shaping the fundamental tools and rules that will control our access to digital information.” (Dorman, 39).
As Kristy and Katie have pointed out before me, there are currently a finite number of times that certain publishers will allow a library to lend out an e-book, putting libraries at the mercy of the publishers, the libraries forced to repurchase electronic copies once the maximum number (whatever it may be) is reached. Though the battle for access goes on, the publishers unfortunately seem to have the upper hand at this point.
With reduced budgets and millages, it is essential to invest in the right items for patrons. The difficulties of keeping up with technological advances will forevermore be an integral part of the role of the librarian and librarian professional. Change is the name of the game... when it comes to e-books and e-readers, it is essential for those in the library field to think about all that can be offered electronically and to strive to preserve and increase access to electronic reading material just as we must strive to preserve and increase access to our old standard bearers.
Source: Dorman, D. "The e-book: pipe dream or potential disaster?" American Libraries 30(2). Retrieved from
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What I Learned At the Michigan Library Association Conference:
The talk was called, "Step Away From the Book! Legal issues, eBooks, and Libraries". Since our group has spent so much time analyzing the positives and negatives of eBooks and eReaders in libraries, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to gather some information. The talk was given by Ruth Dukelow, the associate director of the MCLS, or Midwest Collaborative for Library Services.
Ms. Dukelow explained that December 25th, 2010 was the day that would live in infamy for libraries across America. Last Christmas, an massive amount of people received Kindles and the like for Christmas. The demand for Libraries to offer eBook lending services for patrons skyrocketed. This is when the legal issues started to occur.
Many eBook publishing companies, capitalizing on the demand to borrow eBooks from local libraries limited the amount of times a certain book can be borrowed. For example, say Public Library X purchases The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in eBook format from a certain publisher. The publisher states in the contract with Public Library X that the Adventures of Tom Sawyer can only be lent out to patrons 25 times. After the book is borrowed 25 times, the library no longer has the rights to the eBook of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and has to re-purchase it from the publisher in order to keep it in circulation.
Ms. Dukelow pointed out how frustrating this is for Libraries. When a library purchases a physical, bound, paper book from a publisher after that purchase the library owns that book. The library can do whatever it wants to with that book, because they own it and the publisher no longer has control. The library could burn the book if they chose to do so (although, that would be extreme, and very sad).
The fact that Libraries don't own eBooks after they purchase them, and have to re-purchase them after their contract with the publisher expires is causing some friction and issues within the library world. Licensing and copyright law start to come into affect when purchasing eBooks and it creates all sorts of confusion.
So, will it be that one day the system for eBooks will be like the system for print books, in that once they library purchases the book, it is theirs to circulate forever and ever? We don't know yet. But as future librarians, this is an interesting bit of info for us to think about and keep tabs on.
If you would like to contact Ruth Dukelow for further information regarding the legal issues that surround eBooks and libraries, her e-mail is:
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Loan Caps for E-books?
Recently this past spring, one of the major publishers Harper-Collins revised their lending terms for e-books and this has cause an outcry from some members in the library community. In their new agreement, Harper-Collins stated that new books that came out via library e-book lenders will only be able to circulate 26 times before the book license expires. This may not seem like a problem at first but if a title is popular, the book license could easily expire quickly and this will cost libraries quite a bit of money. Harper-Collins claimed they settled on 26 circulation limit based on the average life span of a book and factoring in the wear and tear that “print books” encounter. Harper-Collins claims one of the reasons they changed their policy is because it would lead to more book sales and royalties for their authors.
These new lending term agreements are leaving librarians with new problems. Librarians are already struggling with budget cuts and e-book lending policies and user issues, this new policy just leaves more problems for them. Some librarians are even boycotting Harper-Collins products altogether until the publishing company comes up with better terms. Libraries across the country including the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing consortium, the Upper Hudson Library System, and others are temporarily not buying Harper-Collins publications.
In the end is it really up to the publishers to control the circulation terms for libraries? Libraries are already struggling in this economy and publishers do not know the patrons the libraries serve, so maybe publishing companies need to re-consider their e-book lending terms.
Rapp, D. (2011, April). Harper Collins: 26 -Loan Cap on Library Books. Library Journal, 16-17.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Benefits of E-Readers in County Libraries:
Saturday, October 1, 2011
E-Readers at the Romeo District Library
![]() |
The Lending Agreement Form |
Monday, September 26, 2011
E-Readers in the Classroom
The Penn State and Princeton studies can be found below:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Michael S. Hart, 1947-2011
As an individual with a background in history, I believe that it is important to understand where eBooks came from in order to understand where they are going. Whatever future lies ahead for the eBook and eReader revolution, it's worth noting that the world has recently lost an individual whose role in the development of eBooks cannot possibly be understated. At a time when the Arpanet consisted of barely more than a dozen mainframe computers, well before computers that could easily fit on one's desktop (or in one's hands), a young student at the University of Illinois who had been granted access to their hulking mainframe sat down and manually entered the text of the Declaration of Independence on a Teletype terminal on to punched paper tape (Schofield, para. 4).
Michael S. Hart's goal was a simple one, "to break down the bars of ignorance and illiteracy". It was forty years ago this past July that Hart began to manually enter the text of various books and documents that had fallen into the public domain. His goals were lofty, to make ten thousand of the most consulted books available to the public at little to no cost by the end of the twentieth century ("Project Gutenberg", para. 3). Hart called his endeavor "Project Gutenberg" after the inventor whose invention had revolutionized the written word. Over the next seventeen years, Hart managed to input 313 books on his own. After enlisting the help of volunteers, that number grew exponentially and has only continued to grow as time has gone on (Schofield, para. 5-6).
A few months back, Hart declared 2011 to be the year of the eBook and I, for one, would have to agree. Though I personally find solace in my ink and paper books, I am more than aware that the eBook and eReader revolution is underway and their impact can only going to grow from here. I'm also aware that the various texts that I've downloaded from Project Gutenberg over the past few years would probably be easier to read if I had them on an eReader. Michael S. Hart died this past September 6 in Urbana, Illinois. From obsolete books on CD-ROM to the development of software for the earliest eReaders to the development of Microsoft Reader (itself soon to become obsolete) to all of the various eReaders of today, the revolution was infinitely assisted by a man who is now gone.
We can argue that what Michael Hart did was not to create the eBook, that the texts that he inputted were merely precursors to proper eBooks but there's no denying Hart's impact. For every revolution, there has to be a few first steps and if Michael Hart's steps weren't the first, they were certainly among the first. From here, this blog will focus on a variety of issues concerning the effects of eBooks and eReaders on the library profession. For a brief preface to our group's discussion, though, this unfortunate passing is sadly all too apt.
Sources: Schofield, Jack (2011, September, 13). Michael Hart obituary. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Project Gutenberg. (2001). Retrieved September 16, 2011, from